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The Restaurant Success System is a unique business improvement process that helps Restaurant, Bar, and Brewery Owners revolutionize their business and dramatically improve their sales & profits in 90 days or less without struggling to find new customers, technology overwhelm, or working tirelessly day in and day out so they can enjoy true financial freedom!

Download the Restaurant Success Map & Cheat Sheets for FREE now!

Improve Your Business and Your Life!

Talk with our experts to find the right solutions and path for your restaurant, bar or brewery.

  • Get a complete assessment of your business so you know exactly where you stand on your success path.

  • Gain a complete understanding of the needs of your business.

  • Discover gaps in what you have vs. what you need while determining the best options for your business.

  • Walk away with action items, with no obligation.

"You’ll Make 10X What You Pay Us or It’s FREE!

It really is that simple!"

Jonathan Munsell

Founder & Creator
Restaurant Success System

How does it work?

No obligations or strings attached. We really do just want to help you make better decisions when it comes to your restaurant's needs. When you schedule you have no obligation to do anything other than chat with us.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Book a free one time 30-minute consult that works with your schedule.

Speak with an Expert

During the conversation, your expert will get to know your business and make suggestions on how to optimize your current operations

Take Action

Come away with a plan and the perfect tools that can take your business to the next level.


Seek First to Understand,

Then to Be Understood

~The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®

STEP 1. Business & Financial Assessment

A complete deep dive into all aspects of understanding your business.

The Business & Financial Assessment will show you exactly how Restaurant, Bar, and Brewery Owners just like you are able to quickly gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business while improving their depth of insight into their opportunities without feeling they lack the business knowledge, being overwhelmed by the amount of work, or the guidance available...

Why most business owners struggle to gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business...

>> Overwhelmed by lacking the overall business knowledge.

>> Burnt out by the mere though of the amount of work.

>> Frustrated by the lack of guidance available.

Three simple steps that help people just like you gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business!

>> Get clear on your current business status by using our detailed list of success identifiers in our free assessment.

>> Find the gaps in what you have vs. what you need.

>> Choose your critical items to attack first, design your path, and pull from our resources to quickly attack them.


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STEP 2. GROW Strategic Plan

Your G.R.O.W. strategic plan will give you the written objectives and immediate actions to take to improve your business and your life.

We follow a model called G.R.O.W.

~ Goals

~ Reality

~ Opportunity

~ Way-forward

Our clients receive a list of their immediate objectives and next steps to accomplish them with a clear plan for the next 30, 60 or 90 days.

Why most business owners struggle with strategic planning in their business...

>> They don’t have a good sounding board to bounce the plan or the ideas off of to get the most out of it.

>> They are overwhelmed by finding the best place to start that’ll have the most impact on their business.

>> They don’t have anybody to hold them accountable to make the plan truly impactful.

Three simple steps that help people just like you gain a complete understanding of the actions to take to G.R.O.W

>> Decide what is going to have the biggest effect on you and your business's performance

>> Outline the necessary step-by-step details to consider them accomplished

>> Implement, track and review progress along the way

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STEP 3. Operational Excellence

A complete deep dive into all aspects of understanding your business.

We are going to work with you on ensuring your business is set up for the massive growth that is right around the corner.

We work with you to help establish and aggressive operational mindset to ensure continual grow.

We want to make sure you have the foundation of operational standards that accelerate business growth in a hurry!

Why most business owners struggle to achieve operational excellence in their business…

>> They lack the experience to introduce true process improvements.

>> They are so focused on cost control that they actually strangling their ability to drive sales and profit.

>> They don’t have the resources to quickly and easily to make operational improvements.

Three simple steps that help people just like you take to achieve operational excellence are:

>> Hone your growth plan so it takes into account your current and future finances and ensures you have enough capital and support to grow properly.

>> Understand your market and identify the highest profit opportunities for growth.

>> Develop a solid plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and tactics for growth.

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"You've Planned The Work,
Now It Is Time To Work The Plan"

~Jonathan Munsell

STEP 4. Marketing Superiority

We’ll utilize our system that helps folks just like you get the maximum ROI for their marketing efforts. Next, our unique Customer Value process ensures our clients learn how to get off the business/financial roller coaster FAST.

This is a deep dive into effective marketing practices to ensure positive ROI and continued profitable growth.

Why most business owners struggle to gain Marketing Superiority in their business...

They are not technology minded and get stuck trying expensive and complicated software that is not really built for their business.

They are overwhelmed by producing marketing content, ads, and promotions.

They are frustrated by spending money on ineffective marketing.

Three simple steps that help people just like you gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business!

Identify what marketing you are doing and if it is actually working

STOP doing unmeasurable ineffective marketing

Develop your core message/value proposition so you can deploy highly profitable evergreen marketing campaigns. 

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STEP 5. Identify the Perfect Customer

We’ll utilize our system to Identify Your Ideal Perfect Customer and build a detailed profile around them.This is a detailed analysis of your past customers to identify characteristics of our best customers moving forward.

Why most business owners struggle to find the right customers for their business...

They are uber focused on finding new customers

They over index on controlling their advertising spend as opposed to profitable effective campaigns built for the right target. 

The lack the resources to be able to truly measure their marketing effectiveness.

Three simple steps that help people just like you can take to Identify the Perfect Customer for your business...

Get clear on your lifetime customer value per customer. How much is a customer really worth to you?  

Build a detailed profile of your ideal customer so you can simply and easily attract more of them  

Understand how much you are willing to spend on a new customer

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STEP 6. Million Dollar Messaging

We work with you to craft an amazing brand statement and marketing components that resonates with your perfect customer.

When done we will create amazing branding and marketing messages that attract an endless supply of your "Perfect Customers".

Why most business owners struggle to create effective marketing for their business...

>> They don't understand the fundamentals of crafting effective marketing messages.

>> They don't know where to advertise effectively and track ROI.

>> They don't know how to cost effectively get their message to their ideal customer.

Three simple steps that help people just like you can take to create Million Dollar Messaging for your business...

1. Using your ''Ideal Customer Profile'' to get clear on what your market desires and the best way to reach them.

2. Craft compelling messaging that stops your ideal customer in their tracks so they pay attention to you and no one else.

3. Use all the high-value high-return resources you can to systematically push your message to your Ideal Customer.

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“the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.”

STEP 7. Core Marketing Systems

We will build an arsenal of effective ongoing marketing programs to get more new customers and get your existing ones to spend more and come more.

We develop effective ongoing evergreen marketing campaigns to engage and excite customer loyalty and their willingness to enthusiastically refer and promote your business.

Why most business owners struggle to create Core Marketing Systems for their business...

>> They lack the understanding of all the newest digital marketing technology and which is right for them.

>> They are frustrated by the difficulty that already exists trying to grow the business without success.

>> They frankly don't know the best marketing campaigns or how they would even set them up to be perpetual and ongoing.

Three simple steps that help people just like you identify and implement core marketing systems for their business...

1. Decide which core marketing strategies you want to build into your marketing system.

2. Decide which marketing automations will have the biggest impact on your business.

3. Use our step-by-step onboarding planning tool to build your ideal ''Auto-pilot'' roadmap.

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STEP 8. Get Tons of High-Value Customers

We will take the core marketing systems and automate them to grow and scale creating dramatically higher sales & profits.

We help crank up your automated marketing machine pumping perfect profitable customers to your business every single day, week, month!

Why most business owners struggle to Get Tons of High-Value Customers for their business...

>> The just don't have the time and resources to see the task through.

>> They feel limited by their marketing budget.

>> They don't know how to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers

Three simple steps that help people just like you Get Tons of High-Value Customer for their business...

1. Deploy your Ideal Customer Targeting to identify best opportunities.

2. Utilize proven promotions and campaigns customized for your business.

3. Utilize proven cost effective high return automated marketing systems to send, track and maximize all aspects of your marketing.

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STEP 9. Customer Follow Up Riches

This step teaches how to essentially put a velvet lined titanium cage around your guest that ultimately whips them into a frenzy so they constantly come more often and spend more.

This is where we exponentially increase sales by getting your customers to come more often and spend a hell of a lot more.

Why most business owners struggle to obtain customer follow up riches for their business...

>> They have a fear of annoying their customers

>> They lack the the time and automatic systems to follow up properly.

>> They don't know what, when or how to say what they need to convey sincere customer appreciation which promotes loyalty.

Three simple steps that help people just like you obtain customer follow up riches for their business...

1. Create automatic customer follow-up campaigns based on actions they take or don't take.

2. Create a loop that rewards your customers, collects feedback & reviews and encourages sharing their experiences.

3. Create an ongoing marketing communication plan including regular promotions, events, updates and offers.

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STEP 1. Business & Financial Assessment

A complete deep dive into all aspects of understanding your business.

The Business & Financial Assessment will show you exactly how Restaurant, Bar, and Brewery Owners just like you are able to quickly gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business while improving their depth of insight into their opportunities without feeling they lack the business knowledge, being overwhelmed by the amount of work, or the guidance available...

Why most business owners struggle to gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business...

  • Overwhelmed by lacking the overall business knowledge.

  • Burnt out by the mere though of the amount of work.

  • Frustrated by the lack of guidance available.

Three simple steps that help people just like you gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business!

  • Get clear on your current business status by using our detailed list of success identifiers in our free assessment.

  • Find the gaps in what you have vs. what you need.

  • Choose your critical items to attack first, design your path, and pull from our resources to quickly attack them.

Run Through The Assessment Now!

Quickly gain a complete understanding of the needs of your business so you can unlock what is keeping you from achieving your restaurant goals!

It Only Takes 5 Minutes!


STEP 2. GROW Strategic Plan

Your G.R.O.W. strategic plan will give you the written objectives and immediate actions to take to improve your business and your life.

We follow a model called G.R.O.W.

~ Goals

~ Reality

~ Opportunity

~ Way-forward

Our clients receive a list of their immediate objectives and next steps to accomplish them with a clear plan for the next 30, 60 or 90 days.

Why most business owners struggle with strategic planning in their business...

  • They don’t have a good sounding board to bounce the plan or the ideas off of to get the most out of it.

  • They are overwhelmed by finding the best place to start that’ll have the most impact on their business.

  • They don’t have anybody to hold them accountable to make the plan truly impactful.

Three simple steps that help people just like you gain a complete understanding of the actions to take to G.R.O.W

  • Decide what is going to have the biggest effect on you and your business's performance

  • Outline the necessary step-by-step details to consider them accomplished

  • Implement, track and review progress along the way


STEP 3. Operational Excellence

A complete deep dive into all aspects of understanding your business.

We are going to work with you on ensuring your business is set up for the massive growth that is right around the corner.

We work with you to help establish and aggressive operational mindset to ensure continual grow.

We want to make sure you have the foundation of operational standards that accelerate business growth in a hurry!

Why most business owners struggle to achieve operational excellence in their business…

  • They lack the experience to introduce true process improvements.

  • They are so focused on cost control that they actually strangling their ability to drive sales and profit.

  • They don’t have the resources to quickly and easily to make operational improvements.

Three simple steps that help people just like you take to achieve operational excellence are:

  • Hone your growth plan so it takes into account your current and future finances and ensures you have enough capital and support to grow properly.

  • Understand your market and identify the highest profit opportunities for growth.

  • Develop a solid plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and tactics for growth.


"You've Planned The Work, Now It Is Time To Work The Plan"

~Jonathan Munsell


STEP 4. Marketing Superiority

We’ll utilize our system that helps folks just like you get the maximum ROI for their marketing efforts. Next, our unique Customer Value process ensures our clients learn how to get off the business/financial roller coaster FAST.

This is a deep dive into effective marketing practices to ensure positive ROI and continued profitable

Why most business owners struggle to gain Marketing Superiority in their business...

  • They are not technology minded and get stuck trying expensive and complicated software that is not really built for their business.

  • They are overwhelmed by producing marketing content, ads, and promotions.

  • They are frustrated by spending money on ineffective marketing.

Three simple steps that help people just like you gain a complete understanding of the needs of their business!

  • Identify what marketing you are doing and if it is actually

  • STOP doing unmeasurable ineffective marketing

  • Develop your core message/value proposition so you can deploy highly profitable evergreen marketing campaigns.  


STEP 5. Identify the Perfect Customer

We’ll utilize our system to Identify Your Ideal Perfect Customer and build a detailed profile around them.

This is a detailed analysis of your past customers to identify characteristics of our best customers moving forward.

Why most business owners struggle to find the right customers for their business...

  • They are uber focused on finding new customers

  • They over index on controlling their advertising spend as opposed to profitable effective campaigns built for the right target. 

  • The lack the resources to be able to truly measure their marketing effectiveness.

Three simple steps that help people just like you can take to Identify the Perfect Customer for your business...

  • Get clear on your lifetime customer value per customer. How much is a customer really worth to you?  

  • Build a detailed profile of your ideal customer so you can simply and easily attract more of them  

  • Understand how much you are willing to spend on a new customer


STEP 6. Million Dollar Messaging

We work with you to craft an amazing brand statement and marketing components that resonates with your perfect customer.

When done we will create amazing branding and marketing messages that attract an endless supply of your "Perfect Customers".

Why most business owners struggle to create effective marketing for their business...

  • They don't understand the fundamentals of crafting effective marketing messages.

  • They don't know where to advertise effectively and track ROI.

  • They don't know how to cost effectively get their message to their ideal customer.

Three simple steps that help people just like you can take to create Million Dollar Messaging for your business...

  • Using your ''Ideal Customer Profile'' to get clear on what your market desires and the best way to reach them.

  • Craft compelling messaging that stops your ideal customer in their tracks so they pay attention to you and no one else.  

  • Use all the high-value high-return resources you can to systematically push your message to your Ideal Customer.


“the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.”


STEP 7. Core Marketing Systems

We will build an arsenal of effective ongoing marketing programs to get more new customers and get your existing ones to spend more and come more.

We develop effective ongoing evergreen marketing campaigns to engage and excite customer loyalty and their willingness to enthusiastically refer and promote your business.

Why most business owners struggle to create Core Marketing Systems for their business...

  • They lack the understanding of all the newest digital marketing technology and which is right for them. 

  • They are frustrated by the difficulty that already exists trying to grow the business without success.

  • They frankly don't know the best marketing campaigns or how they would even set them up to be perpetual and ongoing.

Three simple steps that help people just like you identify and implement core marketing systems for their business...

  • Decide which core marketing strategies you want to build into your marketing system.

  • Decide which marketing automations will have the biggest impact on your business.

  • Use our step-by-step onboarding planning tool to build your ideal ''Auto-pilot'' roadmap.


STEP 8. Get Tons of High-Value Customers

We will take the core marketing systems and automate them to grow and scale creating dramatically higher sales & profits.

We help crank up your automated marketing machine pumping perfect profitable customers to your business every single day, week, month!

Why most business owners struggle to Get Tons of High-Value Customers for their business...

  • The just don't have the time and resources to see the task through

  • They feel limited by their marketing budget

  • They don't know how to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers

Three simple steps that help people just like you Get Tons of High-Value Customer for their business...

  • Deploy your Ideal Customer Targeting to identify best opportunities.

  • Utilize proven promotions and campaigns customized for your business  

  • Utilize proven cost effective high return automated marketing systems to send, track and maximize all aspects of your marketing.


STEP 9. Customer Follow Up Riches

This step teaches how to essentially put a velvet lined titanium cage around your guest that ultimately whips them into a frenzy so they constantly come more often and spend more.

This is where we exponentially increase sales by getting your customers to come more often and spend a hell of a lot more.

Why most business owners struggle to obtain customer follow up riches for their business...

  • They have a fear of annoying their customers

  • They lack the the time and automatic systems to follow up properly.

  • They don't know what, when or how to say what they need to convey sincere customer appreciation which promotes loyalty.

Three simple steps that help people just like you obtain customer follow up riches for their business...

  • Create automatic customer follow-up campaigns based on actions they take or don't take.

  • Create a loop that rewards your customers, collects feedback & reviews and encourages sharing their experiences.

  • Create an ongoing marketing communication plan including regular promotions, events, updates and offers.

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You also receive unlimited online member access to our
FREE resources, newsletters, training, tools & templates.

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It's a little know fact that In 2010 Jimmy was bitten by a tic, and contracted Lyme Disease. Subsequently losing the ability to walk and talk and numerous other side effects. After Years and years battles he has regained most of his strength but continue to deal with what is now called post lyme disease disorder. He spends a lot of his free time in local support groups and helping bring awareness to this life changing bacteria.


It's a little known fact that Jonathan is a Stage 4 Cancer Survivor. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma in 2012. He fought through one of the most intense and dangerous chemotherapy treatments prescribed and has been in remission for over 10 years. He lives everyday with a strong appreciation for life and giving back!

The best platform to manage a Business's Growth, Lead Generation, Sales Process, Follow-up, Two-way Communication, Pipeline, Automated Scheduling, Sales Funnels, Social Media Posting, Reviews and So Much More...



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This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in anyway. FACEBOOK is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: If you do nothing, you can expect nothing. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT APPLY FOR OUR PROGRAM.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

This button has the CSS class "btn-popup" so we can use it to toggle the pop up. You'd normally hide this in a hidden section at the bottom of the page.

Add jQuery to your page. Normally I add this to the footer or a hidden section at the bottom of the page with the rest of my scripts.

Add your button/pop-up controller here - AFTER jQuery

You can also show a form that is hidden on the page

you will want to add custom CSS Class under advanced to the form element and then use custom CSS to hide the element from the page on landing



Display: none;}

This script lets you show different content in the pop-up based on which button you click. The URL of the button must be a matching CSS class in the pop up. For example: ".pop-01" would display the row with the CSS class "pop-01".

Also, each button has the CSS class "btn-pop" so we can attach our click events to them.

This button has the CSS class "btn-popup" so we can use it to toggle the pop up. You'd normally hide this in a hidden section at the bottom of the page.

Add jQuery to your page. Normally I add this to the footer or a hidden section at the bottom of the page with the rest of my scripts.

Add your button/pop-up controller here - AFTER jQuery